dramatic unities造句

"dramatic unities"是什么意思   


  1. He also writes without inhibitions relating to dramatic unities.
  2. He insisted on the observance of the dramatic unities.
  3. The dramatic unities could not be more complete.
  4. The three themes which have been introduced in this number are the most important elements which Thomas uses for creating compositional and dramatic unity in the opera.
  5. After " Mirror ", he announced that he would focus his work on exploring the dramatic unities proposed by Aristotle : a concentrated action, happening in one place, within the span of a single day.
  6. It's difficult to find dramatic unities in a sentence. 用dramatic unities造句挺难的
  7. The credit of introducing the law of the dramatic unities into French literature has been claimed for many writers, and especially for the Abb?d'Aubignac, whose " Pratique du th殁tre " appeared in 1657.
  8. In his desire thus to maintain dramatic unity, he was an ideal interpreter for the role of Orpheus in Gluck's " Orfeo ed Euridice ", which he premiered in Vienna on 5 October 1762.
  9. Henry Adams Bellows says in his commentaries that the poem is a masterpiece with an " extraordinary degree of dramatic unity " and that it is one of the " most vivid and powerful " poems in the " Poetic Edda ".
  10. The doctrine of the dramatic unities had not the saving virtues which he ascribed to it, and, though he succeeded in banishing the older dramatists from the boards, he and his school failed to produce a single piece of more than mediocre merit.
  11. According to Lodge, the play " originated in the experience of teaching such a course myself-not because its plot bears any resemblance to what happened on that course, but because it struck me that the bare situation possessed the classic dramatic unities of time, place and action.
  12. As response, the Rome-based Academy of Arcadia sought to return Italian opera to what they viewed as neoclassical principles, obeying the dramatic Unities of Aristotle and replacing " immoral " plots, such as Busenello's for " L'Incoronazione di Poppea ", with highly moral narratives that aimed to instruct, as well as entertain.
  13. For Verdi, the appeal of Hugo's work  which the latter described as " Romanticism or the Liberalism in literature "  was " the struggle between love and honour ", and Budden sums up this appeal as " Within Hugo's scheme each illogical action follows logically from the one that precedes it, giving Verdi the pace, the eventfulness and above all the dramatic unity that he has been looking for ."


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  10. "dramatic writing"造句

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